Madresa High School

Madresa High School

Welcome to our Madresa High school,  Bardoli. Run by the Bardoli Muslim Students Union.

The Bardoli Muslim Welfare Society UK supports Madressa High School every year, sponsoring students from low financial backgrounds and their families by deducting 50% of their school fees. In addition to this, the BMWS also provide students’ uniforms, text-books and note books to help with their studies.

During 2019, the donations made by our generous members enabled us to purchase new computers for the school computer lab. And in 2020 we will be fundraising for the construction of new dining facilities for students to have their lunch in a clean and shaded area on school grounds.

We arrange various activities around the year; our staff promote the students to draw their talents out and encourage them to take part freely in any activities of their choice. We pay equal attention to all our students and are dedicated to supporting them where we can as our motto is “to produce good, devoted citizens, who would always be ready for service to mankind.” We do not want to scatter our young people to any community, caste and creed but to make them human beings with a pure heart with an ability to sympathise with others. Annual Report 2020.


In the year 1986, the school started with only one class of 8th standard and with only 15 students. At the time the school did not have its own building, there was no furniture and facilities were minimal. The school’s building itself was on rent and there wasn’t even a playground for the students.

In 1994, the Madresa Islamiya Trust donated their land for the school building and the BMWS established the school; it has been running here ever since.


Although our school is situated in a rural area (thirty kilometres from Surat city), it is long established (over 25 years) and has already crossed many milestones. It shines like the south east star of a suburban area. We always seek to make active parents, students and local people in our journey and try to give the very best to all our students.


We arrange various activities round the year, our staff promotes the students to draw their talents out, and give them chance to take part freely in any activity. We pay attention especially to all of our students and help them as they have the ability to compete with others. We are firmly concentrated with all our children individually because our motto is “to produce a good, devoted citizen, who would always be ready for service to mankind. We don’t want to scatter them to any community, caste and creed but to make them human being with a pure hearty which sympathy to others.”

At the start of our journey, the organisation faced a number of difficulties. Despite our humble origins we are pleased to say that our school is well-furnished, we now have two buildings: the Gujarati medium and the English medium. I am pleased to inform you that we intend to commence an 11th Science class within the English medium faction so that we can provide a high-level science education to students within the Muslim community.

Scholarships are provided to select individuals and we take into consideration a number of factors when assigning these. This covers both academic costs and extras such as uniform and equipment.

Today we have 1,967 students taking education through the Gujarati medium at primary and secondary levels and through the English medium from K.G. to 10std.


  • Two Separate Building for both Gujarati and English medium
  • Two Computer Lab for both both Gujarati and English medium. There are 60 computers for Gujarati medium and 25 computers for English medium
  • For girls, there is a facility of Tailoring and Knitting works
  • For Reading, Group descussion there is central Library