Ramadhan 2024 - A Month Of Giving


Bardoli Madrassa High School

Education Project

This Ramadhan support the next generation of young children from Bardoli by donating towards the Madrassa high school. The school was established with the support of donors across the globe and continues to require financial support to for staff salaries and equipment.

Jamna Ba Hospital

Medical Project

This Ramadhan we are asking for your continued support for the running of our community hospital which provides free medical care to some of the most needy members of the community. You can donate Zakat to this project.

Donate via bank transfer

zakat, sadaqah

You can also donate via bank transfer to the following account:


Bank name: Barclays Bank


Account name: The Bardoli Muslim Welfare Society UK


Sort Code: 20-46-57


Account Number: 80187879


Once transfer is complete, please email us your name,  amount donated and project: info@bardoli.org.uk